LOC | +/- | The Rock Across Australia | +/- | Billboard - Christian Songs | +/- | Billboard - Christian Albums |
1. | +1 | MercyMe - This Life | 0 | Chris Tomlin - Our God | 0 | Francesca Batistelli - My Paper Heart |
2. | +1 | Britt Nicole - Hanging On | 0 | Newsboys - Born Again | +2 | Skillet - Awake |
3. | -2 | The Afters - Light Up The Sky | +1 | Sanctus Real - Lead Me | 0 | newsboys - Born Again |
4. | 0 | NeedToBreathe - Let us Love | -1 | tobyMac - Get Back Up | +1 | Casting Crowns - Until The Whole World Hears |
5. | 0 | Group 1 Crew - Walking On the Stars | +1 | MercyMe - All Of Creation | +1 | Various Artists - WOW Hits 2010 |
6. | +1 | Jars Of Clay - Out Of My Hands | +1 | Casting Crowns - If We've Ever Nedeed You | +2 | Sanctus Real - Pieces Of A Real Heart |
7. | +4 | Kerrie Roberts - No Matter What | -2 | Tenth Avenue North - Healing Begins | 0 | tobyMac - Tonight |
8. | +14 | Addison Road - Fight Another Day | 0 | Matt Maher - Hold Us Together | +5 | Hillsong - A Beautiful Exchange: Live |
9. | +9 | BarlowGirl - Stay With Me | +1 | Chris August - Starry Night | 0 | MercyMe - The Generous Mr. Lovewell |
10. | +4 | Revive - Blink | +3 | Jeremy Camp - Jesus Saves | +4 | Tenth Avenue North - The Light Meets The Dark |
Contemporary Christian Music Charts - Week 35 - 2010 (28th August)
28 august 2010
Concert Jars of Clay ...
26 august 2010
O trupa legendara, care a cucerit chiar si MTV-ul cu cantecele ei, avand un palmares de cateva GRAMMY-uri si premii DOVE va sosi la Budapesta si va aduce noul album, intitulat "The Long Fall Back to Earth", lasand insa loc si pentru binecunoscutele hit-uri. Jars of Clay va concerta aproape de Romania, Vineri, 3 Septembrie, la Petofi Hall din Budapesta Jars of clay a fost revelatia miscarii CCM (Christian Contemporary Music) in anii "90, avand un success enorm chiar pe mainstream cu piesa "Flood", care a avut vanzari "de platina". Chiar daca versurile au fost intotdeuna exclusiv crestine, orientarea lor acustica i-a potrivit perfect in aripa folky-pop a rock-ului alternativ, pe vremea aceea o raritate in scena muzicii crestine. Asemenea succes a deschis drumul unor trupe ca DCTalk sau Sixpence None the Richer, si e greu de imaginat ascendenta unor trupe mai "grele" ca P.O.D. fara fuziunea de teme spirituale si sound-uri de rock alternativ initiata de Jars of Clay. Odata cu schimbarea gusturilor muzicale, Jars of Clay a intampinat dificultati in a mentine audienta seculara, avand insa un succes continuu in zona crestina, ramanand unul din grupurile reprezentative a muzicii crestine moderne.
Bilete la acest concert pot fi achizitionate dand click AICI .
Sursa: Radio Filadelfia
Festival de muzica crestina in Europa!
In perioada 19-22 august a avut loc Xnoizz Flevo Festival in centrul Olandei, la Apeldoorn si aduce impreuna cele mai bune trupe ale momentului dar si din cele mai putin cunoscute. Organizat in mijocul naturii, intr-un parc natural, evenimentul s-a defasurat in jurul unui lac, si a avut mai mult de 7 scene, adunand anual aproximativ 10.000 de oameni dornici sa asculte o multime de artisti si trupe crestine. In timpul celor patru zile, participantii au putut sa-si instaleze corturile intr-o zona special amenajata si, pe langa sesiunile muzicale, s-au putut implica intr-o multime de seminare, workshop-uri sau activati sportive organizate. Desi pretul de participare in toate cele patru zile a fost de 100+ de euro (intrarea pe zi costa cam 45-50 euro), serviciile care au fost oferite au la cel mai inalt standard, incepand de la shop-urile multimedia, cafenele si fast-food-uri si pana la prezenta scenica a artistilor prin sunet si lumina. Timp de 4 zile muzica variata a animat scenele si sufletele participantilor. Dintre protagonistii care au participat la aceasta editie se numara: Kutless, Leeland, Remedy Drive, T-Bone si multi altii. O experienta frumoasa sper sa se inmulteasca astfel de manifestari si sa "vina" si mai aproape de noi!
Misu R.
The Afters - Sneak Peek Behind The New Album
Get a behind the scenes look at The Afters and their new album "Light Up The Sky"
Releasing September 14th!
Releasing September 14th!
Contemporary Christian Music Charts - Week 34 - 2010 (21th August)
21 august 2010
LOC | +/- | The Rock Across Australia | +/- | Billboard - Christian Songs | +/- | Billboard - Christian Albums |
1. | 0 | The Afters - Light Up The Sky | 0 | Chris Tomlin - Our God | 0 | Francesca Batistelli - My Paper Heart |
2. | 0 | MercyMe - This Life | +1 | Newsboys - Born Again | ne | Gaither Vocal Band - Greatly Blessed |
3. | +19 | Britt Nicole - Hanging On | -1 | tobyMac - Get Back Up | 0 | newsboys - Born Again |
4. | 0 | NeedToBreathe - Let us Love | 0 | Sanctus Real - Lead Me | 0 | Skillet - Awake |
5. | +1 | Group 1 Crew - Walking On the Stars | 0 | Tenth Avenue North - Healing Begins | +1 | Casting Crowns - Until The Whole World Hears |
6. | +3 | Francesca Battistelli - Beautiful, Beautiful | 0 | MercyMe - All Of Creation | +5 | Various Artists - WOW Hits 2010 |
7. | +10 | Jars Of Clay - Out Of My Hands | +1 | Casting Crowns - If We've Ever Nedeed You | +1 | tobyMac - Tonight |
8. | 0 | Superchick ft. Matt Dally - Let It Roll | -1 | Matt Maher - Hold Us Together | +5 | Sanctus Real - Pieces Of A Real Heart |
9. | -2 | Everlife - What's Beautiful | 0 | Josh Wilson - Before The Morning | -4 | MercyMe - The Generous Mr. Lovewell |
10. | -5 | Switchfood - Your Love Is A Song | +1 | Chris August - Starry Night | +4 | Various Artists - WOW Worship (Purple) |
Michael W. Smith - Informaţii despre Concertul din România
Cei ce doresc să participe la Concertul lui Michael W. Smith din Braşov, din data de 12 Noiembrie 2010, au la dispoziţie site-ul http://www.michaelwsmith.ro/ pentru informaţii.
Contemporary Christian Music Charts - Week 32 - 2010
8 august 2010
LOC | +/- | The Rock Across Australia | +/- | Billboard - Christian Songs | +/- | Billboard - Christian Albums |
1. | 0 | The Afters - Light Up The Sky | 0 | Chris Tomlin - Our God | +2 | Francesca Batistelli - My Paper Heart |
2. | 0 | MercyMe - This Life | 0 | tobyMac - Get Back Up | -1 | newsboys - Born Again |
3. | +2 | NeedToBreathe - Let us Love | 0 | MercyMe - All Of Creation | -1 | Skillet - Awake |
4. | +3 | Group 1 Crew - Walking On the Stars | 0 | Tenth Avenue North - Healing Begins | ne | Tom Jones - Praies & Blame |
5. | +1 | Kerrie Roberts - No Matter What | +1 | Newsboys - Born Again | +2 | tobyMac - Tonight |
6. | +2 | Merise - Just Because | +1 | Sanctus Real - Lead Me | 0 | Casting Crowns - Until The Whole World Hears |
7. | +3 | Newsboys - Born Again | +1 | Matt Maher - Hold Us Together | ne | Andrew Peterson - Counting Stars |
8. | -2 | Francesca Battistelli - Beautiful, Beautiful | -3 | Josh Wilson - Before The Morning | +1 | Tenth Avenue North - The Light Meets The Dark |
9. | -6 | Revive - Blink | 0 | Casting Crowns - If We've Ever Nedeed You | +2 | Hillsong - A Beautiful Exchange: Live |
10. | -6 | Everlife - What's Beautiful | 0 | Francesca Battistelli - Beautiful, Beautiful | 0 | MercyMe - The Generous Mr. Lovewell |
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